Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Casey Casey Casey

The recent excitement was CASEY!  Arlo got to play with his best friend on Saturday!  
Arlo and Casey haven't played since August of 2007 ~ they made up for lost time I think.  They seem to have slowed down a bit in their playing (well I guess what I am trying to say is that Arlo doesn't drive Casey as crazy as he used to).

But the play, for Casey, is still always about a tennis ball!  Casey lives for tennis balls.
And Auntie Mary provides snacks too!  Thanks Auntie M!

That's about all from these parts.  Not a very exciting read is it ... sorry, I've been "laying low" with a bout of this digestive thing.  Rick was at Pat and Beth's (and Paige's) yesterday, but I don't venture far from the coach right now so that is where I stayed.  I thought I'd get out on my bike and head up to Sunapee but at the moment I'm not sure that will happen today either!  UGH.  

On a high note, my sister Candy is stopping by at the end of the week to spend a night or two with us - don't remember exactly when but I think it may be Friday ~ yippee.......

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