Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Thursday, June 11, 2009

remember the song?

Whose lyrics are........

RAIN RAIN GO AWAY, COME AGAIN ANOTHER DAY ....... Like how 'bout 60 days from now .....
j.c. get this flipping rain AWAY .... can't stand anymore cold, rain, rain, rain, rain, cold, rain, cold, rain, rain, cold, cold, cold .... We've had the heat on four mornings in a row ....

I used to HATE it when my mother in law would sit on my/our deck wearing blankets and sweaters commenting on how cold it was. Yes, it used to irk the heck out of me ... my thought was, you know what, it is cold here in MA in April/May and you should know it after spending how many years in the area .... well ..... history is repeating itself isn't it .... and yes, it is MID june .... UGH UGH UGH cold damp ... sweaters and afghans ......

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