Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yellowstone ~ part 1 of ??

Seriously, how on earth could a blog post about Yellowstone National Park be done in one part?  I can't imagine it being done in less than five parts.  I will, however, try my best to keep it as contained as possible.  And hopefully this Yellowstone experience will force me to figure out why I can't export photos from iphoto to picassa, like I used to be able to ~ a simple two step process, but not since we got the new lap top nearly a year ago (yup, I am a slacker aren't I!)

I truly have no clue where to start with this post.  Yellowstone left both Rick and I speechless (hard to believe, but true) and in absolute awe.  I have no idea what I expected going into Yellowstone ~ I really didn't know what the park entailed, other than the fact that it was a National Park, therefore it must be pretty special.  We had a couple National Park books, but apparently in one of our "downsizing" exercises in the coach we donated them somewhere along the way to a Goodwill.  Another thing, we got a new National Parks pass - our previous one expired a year or so ago and we never replaced it.  It will be less expensive to replace this one in two years when Richard is 62, but for now and next year it is $80.00 yearly, but well worth it (if we use it, and we used the first one a lot).

I think I'll just post some random shots of the beauty of the park and descriptions when needed.

There are five entrances into the park and the park covers 2,219,789 acres (mostly in Wyoming).  We entered at the "north entrance".  The first amazingness we encountered was "Mammoth Hot Springs"(this link has some incredible photos - places we surely didn't see, we did have Sir Arlo with us and there were places we wouldn't/couldn't go with him).  I knew about "Old Faithful", in fact that was the reason I wanted to go to Yellowstone (silly me) and I will get to the Old Faithful story later, probably in another post.  I had no idea, however, that there were all these really cool (intended pun) hot springs throughout the park.  We first saw this hill that was covered in "spillage" (yes I'm sure there is a correct term) from these springs

Seriously, check out these photos we took - bubbling ground, smelling like sulfur!  Way awesome!

Fabulous shot Rick took (below) of the boiling water!

Below is photo of a different area in the park, but the color variations are because of the content of the seeping water.

Photo below is of one of the "hot spot areas" from a distance.

There was one area called "roaring mountain" that had several of these hot spots (I thought I uploaded a photo of it for this post, but apparently not ~ DAH!) and if the person next to you wasn't yapping away and there wasn't traffic going by you honestly could hear the rumbling and gurgling of it ~ it was surreal to say the least.

Below, sister Candy this one is for you!  There was six or seven of them but I couldn't get the camera and focus and drive all at the same time, but darn I wish you were with us to witness it ~ what a moment that would have been after all the hours we spent "moose hunting" on those trips to Moose Hillock all those years ago!

Below, more random beauty.

Stay tuned for part two.

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