Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday night

Been a while I guess since a post!  Oooops ..

We are still in Sioux Falls ~ thought we'd be leaving today, but that wasn't to be.  Hopefully next Saturday we'll be heading north and west to Washington and Oregon.  

Rick is at Sioux Falls' annual "Hot Harley Nights" downtown at the moment.  I'm on two new meds that are "whacking" me so I stayed home to read, sleep and wallow in self pity.  I did end up making some ratatouille from farmers market goods today - the smell really got to me but oh well, hopefully it'll taste delicious tomorrow.

I hope that we'll get out this week and take some pictures so I can do a respectable blog post again!

Stay tuned.

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