Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My head was in the clouds

Sir and I seriously were in the clouds!  

While Rick was doing his chassis school and the coach was having its day and a half maintenance Sir and I packed an overnight bag, some dog food (for Sir) and headed out for parts unknown.  

I decided those parts should be part of (60 miles or so) the Blue Ridge Parkway.  I'd never been there, Rick had been there and had NO interest (he told me quite clearly a week or so ago that he'd been there, done that as a child and had NO interest in repeating that "adventure").  Well, with all that said, it seemed opportunity was knocking on my door.  So off we went ~ 

So we drove the 75 or so miles from Gaffney, SC to Asheville, NC then took a right and headed north on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Unfortunately, the clouds decided to do the same!  Not to mention the fog ~ oh yeah we were joined by some serious fog!  The photo below is a pretty good shot of the fog and clouds.  
The fog was so thick in some parts I couldn't see ten feet in front of me and truly hoped anyone coming towards us had sense enough to have headlights on.  Not to mention the fact that there were tunnels (who knew?  Remember I'd never been there?).  Well tunnels are dark, add fog to that - what do you think ~ umm read   w-h-i-t-e   k-n-u-c-k-l-e  a serious case of!  UGH
Some of these pictures may look like they are small or short, but it is because of the fog/clouds!  

Wouldn't you know the next day, when Sir and I woke up and walked outside of our motel, of course the sun was out and it was a gorgeous, clear blue day!  Oh well, there are some things over which we have no control ... fog is one of them!
With all the fog/cloud talk, I am still so glad Sir and I did this adventure.  Like I said opportunity seemed to be knocking and thankfully I had the "smarts" to answer that door.

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