Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm in love ...

I'm so in love with central North Carolina.  We left Moncure (an interesting little tiny town) on Thursday and came here to Rock Hill, SC to Ebenezer Park a county run park, with mostly permanent locals but on gorgeous, very busy this time of year, Lake Wylie.

Anyway, we stayed off the interstate for all but the last 25 or so miles of the 150 trip.  Is this gorgeous country we went through or what?  Beautiful rolling hills through teeny tiny little towns for the most part.  I know there must be a way to put a google map here and highlight the route we took, but as yet I'm not savvy enough to figure it out.

The part of the trip that was on the interstate was through Charlotte, NC (right on the NC/SC border).  It was sort of culture shock for us after such a nice peaceful trip but Rick got us through it as always.  

Somewhere in Charlotte there is this humongous roller coaster.  Make no mistake, I am not a roller coaster fan by any stretch, but this sucker impressed me - do people really and truly spend money, like pay someone, to go on this monster?

So further research told me that this monster is at Carowinds in Charlotte - you know one of those places where you pay and arm and a leg and ride rides and play all day.  Anyway, I think this beast is called the intimidator - it sure as heck would intimidate me!  I don't think this is something Rick or I would be going on in this lifetime ~ how 'bout you?

1 comment:

Beth said...

Are you saying that the same lady who voluntarily jumped out of a plane is intimidated by a roller coaster???