Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

limbo, we're in limbo in Middleboro!

Just a post that's really a "nothing" post .... Sir and I went to the "dog park" space here at the campground earlier today - he was practicing his "agility" stunts and posing so nicely for me.

I had hoped I'd have pathology results today, but that didn't happen. I think (Rick may disagree however) that I've been fairly calm with this - other than going into my procedure on Friday and that was a given, being that there were lots of needles involved and NO flippin' anesthesia ... Those of you who know me "well" don't need an explanation - others - well ... I have this HUGE HUGE HUGE thing about needles ~ can't explain it, won't even try.

Anyway, yes, I think I've been fairly calm (I think), realizing that nothing I can do is going to change the result ... but come on this waiting crap is the pits - just call me with the results so we can do what we've got to do and "carry on" .... UGH the longer it goes on the bitchier I get ... Rick did go out on his bike tonight while I stayed here and "futzed" around doing whatever - laundry, eating, drinking, eating, "picking up" ... whatever but just mostly wallowing in self pity, and as it turned out it was a wise decision for both of us.

Tomorrow is the final day for "home repairs" before Chad and Amy move into their house so I will be over there late afternoon to clean and do whatever I can do to help them out. They, and their moving truck, will be arriving late morning Thursday and the house needs a final cleaning from the tradesman that have been in and out over the last week so I'll do what I can ... the predicted high is 90 degrees tomorrow so that may have an impact - one of the "upsides" is that one of the cleaning tasks is that the refrigerator needs to be cleaned!

Seems we are headed to NH on Friday to watch a minor league baseball game in Manchester. Good time will be had I'm sure as we'll be with Pat and Bethie and meeting up with friends Mary and Richie .... AND I'll get a "Muffin fix" with my Paige ..... YEAH .... and I'm sure she will "tell T-T a big story" about this cereal stuff "they've" been trying to make her eat! Can't wait to witness THAT chapter!

Below is just a peaceful (??) photo of yet another sunset. This was taken on a "back road" in Morrisonville, NY a couple weeks ago. We were on our way to our niece's house when I spotted this great sunset and pulled over next to a corn field (which are VERY plentiful in upstate New York). Just another of my sunset photos .....

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Pretty photo Tracey. Yup, there are lots of cornfields in upstate New York. Land is plentiful and lower priced across the big lake.
hang in there Tracey and keep us posted either with phone calls or I guess all-purpose blog posts!