Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Yesterday we finally got the bikes out and rode to Springfield, VT (where we will be "moving" to tomorrow for four nights).  

Along the way we passed Santa's Land UGH ... I guess I probably went there as a kid but I don't remember.  As we often do we used it as a photo op for the bikes!  Rick felt certain the photo below is where the elves live!
So to Springfield we went.  "Home of the Simpsons".  Springfield, VT is the town that won out over several other Springfields to premier the Simpsons movie.

Other than that  Springfield seems to be a very nice little town - sort of "artsy" but like so many we've seen there are lots of vacant buildings in the downtown area.  So so many we've seen in our travels.  

The town has what appears to be a nice bike path along the river and hopefully I will get my bicycle out while we're there and use it .. we shall see however, I've taken it out of the trailer at all stops (except Bernardston, the last stop where it barely stopped raining the entire time we were there) but can't remember the last time I rode it!

Today it's off to Keene for an oil change and to stock up on Starbucks - we're out as of this morning and I am not a pleasant woman without my Starbucks fix in the morning.  It is suppose to, you guessed it, rain today!  Seems like a good day to do this errand stuff after Rick gets up and functions.  Sir, well he's ready to go at any moment ~ as soon as he sees me reaching towards the hooks that hold the keys, he's up and heading for the door!

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