Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

no photos but

realizing how much I have to be thankful for without posting photos ...

  • the opportunity to take said photos
  • health to allow my honey and i to continue this journey
  • healthy siblings (glad you are celebrating 60 JRP) and healthy children and grandchildren, healthy extended family ... isn't that such a GREAT joy and reason to celebrate ..
  • a cousin who just came through what to me is inconceivable surgery - OMG Cheryl ... YOU are a hero to me ..
  • a son who was able to run a marathon and a son who is here on US soil (even if he IS away from his wife and son at the moment, he IS in the US)
  • videos of a grandson singing the fish song and happy birthday (cha cha cha to his Dad), and a granddaughter telling tales of tubby toes ....

thankful thankful thankful I am .....

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