Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day festivities

Yes, I do realize I am a few days behind with this post ....  

Rick went to the brief Memorial Day celebration (is it really a celebration?  I think it should be referred to as an acknowledgement of the day, but then again it is half past midnight and I should be in bed, so work with me here a bit).  Anyway, Rick went to that (photo above) while Sir and I stayed back at the campground just "chillin'" for a bit.

The campground had it's own "time" and what a great time it was, I refer to it as a "holiday picnic" for no other reason that it really didn't have much that I could see to do with the  "holiday" (well other than red, white and blue balloons etc) it was just a festive event ... and a fun festive event at that, I thought.

The campground had local entertainment ~ the Easter Brothers.  They played the instruments we'd hoped to be listening to in these parts - although it was "gospel music" which isn't what we listen to, but it was a nice time, followed by hamburgers and hot dogs and rain rain rain ~ have I mentioned that it seems to rain here every day?  First it is so hot you can't stand the thought of putting on jeans and boots and getting on your bike then it rains.  

But, once again, I digress!  The three previous photos are the event that the campground put on Monday and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  Well Rick and I did - I had taken Sir out for a walk while Rick was at the downtown festivities.  The Easter Brothers were doing sound checks and "warming up" or whatever it may be called.  As soon as that started Sir was headed back to the coach.  NOT because it was offensive in ANY way, but because it was a louder than normal (for these parts) noise and because he didn't recognize it.  Yeah the big brave fool that thinks he is the boss of the entire acreage here runs for his coach when anything "startles" him.  That's my dog .... 

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