Think about this ... "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

dead fish but

great, beautiful, lovely, gorgeous sunsets ~ if you can stand the smell.

It takes only a few seconds to snap a photo or two then head inside... rather frustrating to be at this gorgeous property and not be able to spend any time outside other than from the coach to the car or the coach to the Lodge .... hopefully in a few more days all the dead fish will be gone - raked from our beach or otherwise mysteriously have disappeared - seems a shame to be here and not be able to enjoy being outside the coach, the sun, the breezes ...
Oh well hopefully in a few more days we shall have a clean beach and Sir can play at "home" .... but yes, I sure as heck do realize it "could be worse".

Heck, I could be in MA trying to figure out "what the heck" was up with THIS election - then again I'm thinking most places in the country might be scratching their head going "what the heck" ....

good night all ....

1 comment:

Chester said...

One week no updates... whaz up!